Nailed it! No joke

A dog’s toenails are no joke. Keeping your dog’s nails trimmed and healthy can be a challenge. The processes is often stressful for dogs and their owners. But it doesn’t need to be. Just like visiting the vet, the first step toward success is calmness.


Ready to Go Hiking

Spring is here (at last!) Summer is around the corner. At All About My Dog, we thought it would be fun to talk about great outdoor activities you can share with your favorite canine pal. First up in our series is… Ready to Go: HIKING!


Dogs Need To Gnaw!

Ever wonder why your dog eats your shoes? Snacks on the legs of your table? Chews the corners of your walls? The answer is nature. The predecessors of our beloved pups derived a balanced diet—fat, vegetable products, protein and minerals—by consuming the meat and bones of the animals they ate. Gnawing was and is an essential activity for a healthy dog.