Halloween Besties – Photo Contest Winners

And the results are in…

Halloween may be over but the cuteness never ends. Here are the results of our first annual Halloween Photo Contest. If you didn’t enter, start planning for next year! Seriously! Isn’t it time you started living your dream with your dog!

Bentley the Jedi


Jedi Bentley

May the Force be with you! You won First Prize:

One Instructional Workshop or Playgroup

Jedi Training

Willow Going for a Swim


Jaws Willow

You’re gonna need a bigger boat! You just won Second Prize:

One Super Jumbo Gnaw-able, Extra Delicious Bully Stick
(or a toy of equal value)

Savannah and her landshark

At first we said the first 10 entries would receive a blue All About My Dog tennis ball. But we are so excited about our first contest that we’ve decided to give tennis balls to every dog that entered! Come on into the store to grab yours!

Thanks to everybody who participated! …